It's Not Rocket Science!
It's Not Rocket Science! Five Questions Over Coffee
Five Questions Over Coffee with Jürgen Strauss (Ep. 60)

Five Questions Over Coffee with Jürgen Strauss (Ep. 60)

Who is Jürgen?

Jürgen is making Marketing and Podcasting Human

Key Takeaways

1. There are 600 million blogs on the internet but only 1.5 million podcasts - that might be a lot, but a lot less competition

2. Podcasts are a great way to start conversations with prospects

3. Transform your business by putting profit first!

Valuable Free Resource or Action

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Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)


conversation, podcast, business, flywheel, relationship, social media, book, post, today, build, newsletter, podcasting, programme, question, process, people, systems, customer, stuart, grow


Stuart Webb, Jürgen Strauss

Stuart Webb  00:25

Hello, and welcome back to it's not rocket science, five questions over coffee, I have my coffee to my side, I know you're against got a drink with them as well. So I'm really looking forward to this conversation with you again, you're going to who is going to try and help us to understand how to make podcasting, marketing human, which, you know, as a podcaster and a marketer, I kind of am really enjoying listening to the pearls of wisdom, I'll be as European, it's gonna give to us. So you're welcome to It's not rocket science, five questions over coffee.

Jürgen Strauss  00:55

Thanks, Stuart. It's a real privilege to be here. And I'm really looking forward to our conversation

Stuart Webb  01:00

to reflect so tell me what is the what is the the the ideal client that you're looking for in in in the work that you do?

Jürgen Strauss  01:10

My dream client, business coaches and consultants that work in the technical or manufacturing or healthcare space. So they provide services to those industries. And they're usually looking for. They're looking to grow their business, but they've, they're struggling to get visibility in front of the right audience in front of their dream clients, they're often struggling with putting together a longer term strategy to build their audience build their visibility, and hence grow their business.

Stuart Webb  01:51

Okay, so give me an example of the sort of problems that those people have had and have tripped over before they sort of looked for help in order to overcome some of those problems.

Jürgen Strauss  02:02

Well, often, they have kind of haphazard systems. They try things sporadically. So they might post newsletter and email newsletter. But after a little while, it kind of dies or a lot of people unsubscribe, so they get discouraged, and they stopped doing it. Or they might post on social media. But they put on one post and hope that their dream audience will see that not realising that, it's got to be done a lot more strategically than that, because the social media actually doesn't necessarily put that in front of the audience that they want to get in front of. Also, the follow up systems after that, so if they post something on social media, and somebody clicks through the link, where they go, often, they end up just landing on their website. So the person might be interested in what they've read on that social media post, or in the newsletter. When they get to the website, they think, Ah, okay, now now, what do I do? It's sort of expecting them to think for themselves, rather than taking them on a journey, one of the many customer journeys that people can go on when they click through a link. And all of that strategy is, is missing.

Stuart Webb  03:29

Yeah, it's so often the case, isn't it? Yeah, I get that. Too many times, we sort of broadcast a message and think that's it job done, we're not gonna get to that article. You know, social media is great, but it allows you to build a relationship, but that relationship is what gets you the customer Not, not the initial message, it's the ability to, to build that relationship, find out more about that person, work to understand their problem, and then actually sort of work on a solution to their problem, rather than just, hey, here I am. I'm expecting you to land me with an order. I often I often, I don't know about you, but I often talk to my clients about the fact that so often that you know, if we were talking imagine a person sort of, you know, the most attractive person you can think of knocking on the door, and then being there on bended knee with a ring in your hand saying you marry me, but chances are they're going no, I want to I want to go on a date, at least one first. Business owners think that actually, we're just going to propose marriage and our customers are gonna go Yeah, why not? I want to enter into a lifetime agreement with you. We've got a date that haven't we we've got to show them. Show them a good time first, maybe invite them dinner? I don't know.

Jürgen Strauss  04:36

Yeah, that's right. That's I think that metaphor comes from Mark Schaefer. And he's in what's his book called, but he's philosophy is the most human company wins. But I like to say that all of those things are really starting a conversation. Yeah, yeah. It's as if you meet somebody on the street. And you say, Hello, Stuart. How are you? Where are you headed today? I see you're taking your dog out for a walk. So those are the kinds of things that people will have conversations about if they meet on the street. And then continuing those conversations will build some sort of relationship. So in that instance, it might be, Hey, let's go have a coffee. We might become friends, maybe I've got a dog as well. So we have conversations about things that we discover are in common. I think, posting on social media or sending out newsletters or whatever the engagement, whatever the connection point is online, should be looked at as starting a conversation or if there's already a conversation ongoing, taking that conversation to the next level. And I'm very strong on bringing people from social media, which is somebody else's platform, into your own ecosystem to continue that conversation.

Stuart Webb  05:56

Yeah, Agree. Agree. So is there have been a particular book or concept that's helped to? Sorry? No, we need to come to question three first, which is that valuable free resource, and I must now bring up my banner, which shows that valuable free resource, which I know you've got some great stuff here on the innovate the, you know, in V's dot website, so no, got a gosh, there are so many syllables in, you're gonna read

Jürgen Strauss  06:26

hard to say, innovation and business, just marry those two together. I should have thought of it. So what Yeah, well, what we have there in that URL that scrolling across the bottom is our flywheel programme, which is the entire process for our podcasting, production, setting up a new podcast, producing a podcast, and then leveraging that podcast, and leveraging it in the way that it ultimately leads to business. And that's a little bit different than what typically people might think usually, people think of podcasts, if they're not doing it themselves. If they're looking at it from the outside, they think of podcasts, and they think we can get sponsorship, or we can get advertising. But that's not really where the the gains are. Or if you want to go down that route. There's it's very hard work, and not a lot of reward for that hard work. So we have a whole set of processes, how to build relationships with people upfront how to have an awesome experience with guests that we bring on the show how to have an awesome relationship and present awesome content to our listeners, how to then take those relationships with the guests with the listeners. And also when we go on other people's shows like this one, how we take and grow those conversations into ongoing relationships and how they can then build into it might be directly business, it might be partnerships, it might be referrals, it might be a bunch of those different things. And all of that is part of that flywheel programme. It's a it's a essentially an audio book that covers every one of the 12 steps of our process.

Stuart Webb  08:17

Excellent stuff. Excellent stuff. So is there a particular book or concept that's really sort of helped to cement your business knowledge and has brought you to the point where you are today? Well,

Jürgen Strauss  08:27

that was a hard question for me to sort of think about either. I'm always reading books, and I'm always discovering new books and thinking, Wow, that's great. And usually the book I'm reading right now is the one that is front of mind, but then I reflected back on us or what's something that has had a real impact. And I have to say Mike McCalla wits, his books, and particularly his book Profit First and his system about profit first totally transformed the way I run the financials in my business. And before that, I was really overspending at times, and losing track of paying myself and paying profit and his philosophy totally transformed that and now, you know, we we know exactly what's happening financially, I get paid first, the profit goes next, will attack us tax goes first, but then it's paying me and paying the profit. And then what's left is what we can spend on operating expenses. And so we know we've got to keep our operating expenses below that number. So that's really had a big impact on how we run the financials. His other books also, I mean, the one that that I really love is the Pumpkin Plan. It kind of covers so many different aspects from process from marketing from being unique from being innovative. So that one I'll highlight is Well, but all of his books are fantastic. So he's got a whole bunch of them that kind of all come together as a as a system, in fact, and his latest one is fix this next, which is kind of addresses kind of is almost like an umbrella over all the other books that he has where he talks about clockwork as the one where he talks about systems and processes. The Pumpkin Plan is more about marketing and being unique and fixing the core of the business. And then he's got surge, which is a little bit more about customer, customer interactions, customer relationships, I've

Stuart Webb  10:42

not come across those that so I'm going to put those on the reading list. You can actually get to those immediately after this. Well, maybe a little bit later today. But I should get to those on the list. So final question. And it's now the time that I step back and allow you to sort of do all the hard work. So there's, there's got to be a question that you've been thinking to yourself. I wish he'd asked me about what is the question you wish I had asked you? And then tell us the answer to that question. Yeah.

Jürgen Strauss  11:10

There's probably a couple that come to mind. I'll go with the is it too late to start a podcast? Yeah. People, people that haven't got a podcast yet. Or you know, I think this applies to video channel as well. But I have some statistics around podcasting. The lot of people say, well, it's too late to start a podcast there's people have been podcasting for? Well, I've been podcasting for eight years, and we've got over 500 episode, there's people that have been podcasting a lot longer than I have, and I've got 1000 or more episodes, so it's too late to get in is kind of the conventional wisdom. And I say, Well, no, it's not. Because there's about one to one and a half million active podcasts, all across the internet. It sounds like a big number. But it's actually not a big number. Because when you consider blogging, blog posts that people still jump on board today and still recognise the value of blog posts. There, you're competing. Over 600 million blogs, on the internet, you're competing with that number. So if you consider writing a blog post, and starting up a blog, you're competing with 600 million others. If you start a podcast, you're competing with one to one and a half million others active.

Stuart Webb  12:45

You know, they always say you know, when's the best time to plant a tree 20 years ago, the second best time today. So podcasts are a bit like trees, I guess they produce similar results. This, they're the ones that grow and they build the audience. So, people if you hadn't started a podcast 20 years ago, then today is the right time to start a podcast and you're going this has been a brilliant conversation. And you know, as a fellow podcaster I really appreciate the fact that the two of the one and a half million have managed to find a time to speak together, which is a great thing to do. And, obviously, we look forward to getting onto the flywheel programme and seeing what you've got there. If you would like to find out more about what I'm up to, and get an email from me ahead of the recording of these broadcasts so that you can watch live and ask questions we've had people watching today. I can see they've already liked the conversation, which is great news. So they're on Facebook liking this and that's brilliant. But if you'd like to get that email and know exactly what we're doing when we're doing it, go to TC aid or FYI, that's TCA dot FYI, forward slash subscribe at TCA dot FYI, forward slash subscribe that gets you on to the newsletter list. And we send you an email on a Monday basically saying who's coming on today and what's going on this week? So please do that. You're gonna It's been absolutely fantastic having a few moments with you.

Jürgen Strauss  14:08

enjoyed our conversation?

Stuart Webb  14:09

Yeah, we're just chill for one and a half million there are other people out there. As they would say in all those neutral channels. There are other podcasts available. Go check them out. So yeah, good. Thanks very much for being on. Really appreciate you spending a bit of time with us today. Thanks, Jordan.

It's Not Rocket Science!
It's Not Rocket Science! Five Questions Over Coffee
The mission of It's Not Rocket Science! is to bring a new idea for building business to growth-hungry business leaders and owners who want to do more with less time and so increase their business and influence. We deliver actionable ideas using our “five questions over coffee.”