It's Not Rocket Science!
It's Not Rocket Science! Five Questions Over Coffee
Five Questions Over Coffee with Dr Sharon Grossman (Ep. 30).

Five Questions Over Coffee with Dr Sharon Grossman (Ep. 30).

Who is Dr Sharon Grossman?

Dr Grossman is a qualified Success Coach, Clinical Psychologist, author, speaker, wife and mother of two. For the past two decades, she has worked on improving the health and well-being of high achievers who so often sacrifice their self-care as a result of work demands and get caught up with everyone else’s expectations that they end up burning out at alarming rates..

Key Takeaways

  1. Business leaders either don't know why they keep creating the same results in the world, or they know, but they don't know how to break out of their pattern. So this includes recurring self criticisms, self doubt, negative emotions, like anxiety, frustration, depression, anger.

  2. The process of changing the results need to start with beliefs - we start from the bottom trying to change our results. And ultimately, that because, emotions that lead to the behaviours and thoughts that lead to the emotions and beliefs that leads to the thoughts - the most change results is actually starting from the belief level.

  3. You can train your brain for success through brain priming.

Valuable Free Resource or Action

See Sharon's website

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Note, this was transcribed using a transcription software and may not reflect the exact words used in the podcast)

Stuart Webb 00:41

Hi, everyone, and welcome back to it's not rocket session science, five questions over coffee. Now I don't have a cup of coffee with me at the moment because unfortunately, I've had to leave my office and come outside to deal with a bit of a family emergency. But because of the wonders of technology, I'm still able to do this. And I'm still able to talk to Sharon Grossman. And I'm really looking forward to this conversation. So let me just give you a quick introduction. Sharon is the founder of exhausted to extraordinary methods you think sounds brilliant, and I hope we're going to get right into that in a minute. It's a three step method to unblock your mind reset your thinking, and return the joy to your work in 90 days. It sounds extraordinary 90 days is just such an amazing number. She's a psychologist, coach and author of an international bestseller, The 70 solution to burnout. So she worked with six figure executives in order to sort of really return that struggling executive who's got anxiety, overwhelm, and burnout. And she's gonna share her tips with us today. So I'm really looking forward to this conversation. Sharon, Dr. Grossman, welcome to It's not rocket science. Five questions. To double what is today me sitting in a vehicle?

Sharon Grossman 01:55

Well, Stuart, thank you so much, Sharon, can you can you hear me? Okay, I can hear you. Great. Thank you for having me on the show. I've got my cup of tea. It's not coffee, but nobody can really no.

Stuart Webb 02:14

I've got I'm glad somebody's got something to drink. That's the important thing. So so let's start with what is the what is the problem that you you help solve for your, for your ideal client?

Sharon Grossman 02:25

Yeah. So typically, what I find is they feel stuck and frustrated about being stuck. And the thing is, they either don't know why they keep creating the same results in the world, or they know, but they don't know how to break out of their pattern. So this includes recurring self criticisms, self doubt, negative emotions, like anxiety, frustration, depression, anger, you name it. And it can also be limiting beliefs and self sabotaging behaviour. So that's really something that they're noticing is happening over and over again, and they just don't know what to do about it. Yeah, those are very damaging self, self, self talk and self things, which really sort of get into your head and really damage your performance, don't they? Yeah, exactly. And so I suppose the question is, what is it that they've tried to do? What have they tried to do before you help them to try to break out of that cycle? What What, what are they trying? Which, which has been unsuccessful? Yeah, well, I feel like the biggest mistake is that they try to focus on changing their behaviours. So when they want to, let's say lose weight, they focus on restricting their food and their calorie intake, you know, rather than managing their emotions, which is what really leads many people to overeat in the first place. Instead of increasing their self compassion, they focus on driving themselves harder, and they end up burning out. Now behavioural change can work, but it's a lot harder to accomplish and to sustain. And that's because our behaviours are really driven by our emotional state, which result from our thinking. And that goes back to our beliefs. So I feel like there's this cascade of things, there's like this hierarchy, and we start from the bottom trying to change our results. And ultimately, that because, you know, there's like emotions that lead to the behaviours and there's thoughts that lead to the emotions and there's beliefs that leads to the thoughts the most the biggest bang for your buck is actually starting from the belief level.

Stuart Webb 04:37

Wow, that's a that's a really brilliant way of summarising it. I have to admit I, I've heard a number of people try to summarise it. That one actually hits the nail so sweetly on the head.

Sharon Grossman 04:48

Thank you so much for that. I really appreciate it. Yeah, you're right. You've got to start with that with that belief, haven't you? Yeah. If you want to have some traction, that's really the easiest thing that you can do for yourself.

Stuart Webb 05:04

That's fantastic. Okay, so what is the valuable free action or valuable free resource, which you believe you could offer today to those burnt out executives that are hopefully listening to this? And wondering Oh, wow, that's me. What do about this? Yeah. So what I did was I created a mini course, all about how you can train your brain for success. So the first thing it does is it's going to explain to you how the mind works. And then it talks about brain priming, which is a technique that I teach, that shows you how to really turn those beliefs around, once you have that turned around, then everything flows much easier. Because the way that you think is different, then you're going to create different kinds of feelings, your behaviours are going to align with those emotions. And then consequently, you're going to have more of the things that you want, resulting in your life. And so typically, this is a course that I charge for, but for your listeners, if you put in the code free gift, you will get access to that course for free. Okay, so I'm just going to display on the screen at the bottom here. Dr. Sharon Grossman comm that's the website where we can go and see that course and where we can actually put that code into that website is Am I correct? So no, actually, that is for my general website, but I will share, I will share the link with you, and maybe you can put it in the show notes.

Sharon Grossman 06:37

I'd be more than happy to do that. And if you could also make sure that you share that, that that code as well, I'll make sure that goes in. But don't take Don't Don't forget this website, people get onto that and see what Sharon has to offer. It is a really interesting website. I was I was looking around myself, I'll be honest, and I was fascinated by some of the stuff on this show.

Stuart Webb 07:03

So what is the what is the most impactful course or Bahco programme that you've come across, which you think has had greatest impact that you'd like to share?

Sharon Grossman 07:42

Yeah, I really appreciate that question. And I would say there's a book that when it comes to priming, this is really like the book that had the biggest impact on me and and really brought me to creating this whole new side of my business that focuses in on helping people reprogram their subconscious. And that book is called What to say, when you talk to yourself by shad homesteader. And,you know, I read that and I was like, you know, I've been, so I'm a, I'm a psychologist by trade, and I've been doing therapy for over 20 years, I've been working with people on their minds for so long, and teaching them how to change their thoughts, how to manage their emotions, how to, you know, change their behaviours, how to create goals, like all these things. But the whole idea of really priming your mind and changing the subconscious programming is so impactful, that after reading that book, I decided, you know, I'm going to create this programme, which I now call the priming lab, that helps other people do that. And that's a place where I get to coach my members weekly on how to do so and how to overcome their negative self talk or any other aspect of their life that really stems from from their limiting beliefs. So if anybody is really like, interested in this topic, above and beyond the free mini course, I would really recommend that book. I recommend you do both. I mean, I really do. Because I know, it's something which I have come across before limiting self belief limiting self self thinking is so it's so important, and can so easily be, you know, part of somebody's talking to themselves, the self, the voice in their head, which actually limits some of that thinking. So it needs it needs more people to be aware of the fact that they can address those sorts, so

Stuart Webb 09:17

don't get it. I'm now gonna hope that you take us forward on this one. Sharon, I've got the final question for you, which is, what's the question I should have asked you, which I haven't which is my Get Out of Jail Free card if I'm honest. Once the question I should have asked you, which I haven't and, and therefore what would you would you answer that question for me as well, please? Yeah, sure. So the question is, what is an example of what is possible with brain priming? And what I would say is, first and foremost, more self awareness, to really pause and recognises and recognise the choices that you have, instead of being on that autopilot mode.

Sharon Grossman 10:00

where your brain is just kind of doing things without really checking in with you where you're, you know, if it's self talk, where you're just having the same sign up kind of sentences, self criticisms and judgments show up again, and again, without you really recognising that it's showing up. And when you can do that, you can be a lot nicer to yourself, you can keep your emotions in check. And you can be the version of yourself that you want to be around others, I had a recent experience with one of my members who said that as a result of of doing this work, he noticed that he wasn't because he's like, kind of a stress case. And anytime there's like a stressful situation, he gets really stressed out, and then he becomes not so nice to other people. And it gets really judgmental and critical. And he started doing this work. And what it did was it slowed him down enough to recognise that, hey, I don't have to react in this way. Even if it's a stressful situation, I actually have a choice. And once he was able to get to that place, he realised that by doing this by slowing down enough, he was nicer to other people. And then he said, I get to be the kind of person that I want to be, rather than feeling like I can't help myself, right, this is just something that happened. And I have no control.

Stuart Webb 11:26

You know, I think I have to meet him. But But that's another question that we ought to address it another day. I know, I know that person. I know that person. And I don't want to describe how I know them. But But I know that person that stressed or being being unpleasant to people, when you know you, that's just not you is so difficult to avoid. And okay, I, I will be on I will be I'm going on to this, this URL, which is at the bottom of the screen. And I

Sharon Grossman 11:55

apologise because I apologise because it's a very long URL. Yeah, but if people want to find it more easily. First of all, you can just go to the Academy for high achievers and look for the name of the course, which is called the power of priming. And then if there's time, I can post in another link, which is kind of a shorter link. And maybe that that will be helpful.

Stuart Webb 12:30

Yeah, I will, I will put it across because I think I think it's an important one and, and we'd love to get these out to people. But once you're doing that, what I'll do is I'll just I'll put one up at the very end. When I do whilst we're just putting that up, I'm just going to I'm going to remind people, if you would like to spend more time with us listening to some of these talks and getting value out of them such as what, such as what we've been doing today, despite my situation here in a vehicle, you need to get onto our, our newsletter list. So that's by going to https colon forward slash forward slash I think everybody knows that one nowadays, TC a dot FYI. So it's really short TCA dot FYI, forward slash, subscribe, that TCA dot FYI, forward slash subscribe, and that gets in the newsletter list. And if Sherif has been able to put that link into the chat, I'll put that up now. And also, when we put the put this out, later on to YouTube, and LinkedIn and other places, I will put these links at the bottom in comments, so that people are able to immediately get on and see what see what's available from from those courses. But in the meantime, what I'll do is I'll just put back up that teachable course, because I think it's important. If you go to coaching by Sharon, and no, Sharon's managed across me, so I can get that. Okay, that's much better. Thank you.

Sharon Grossman 13:53

Copy that link text and put that up now. So that we can put that across because I think these are important links. And I do like to make sure that we're giving the money to people that really want to get hold of this. Yes. Forward slash the power of priming.

Stuart Webb 14:09

So there it is, it's Forward slash the power of priming. And that's PRI M ing if you've not able to spell priming. I know some people put two M's in there and all sorts of things. But that's the the power of priming, if you come to that link, and you can get hold of that great course that Sharon had been talking about. Sharon, thank you so much for spending a few minutes with us talking about that. I really think it's an important topic because you know, that self talk. A self talk is so damaging. And I've seen it not only in people that I've coached, and I've, I've I used to manage a large number of people. And I saw these people doing this to themselves. They were telling themselves they weren't good enough, despite the fact that I just literally had a conversation with the word said, you know, I trust you to do the trick. I know, I know you're good enough, and they will immediately go into a cycle of saying, Oh, I know Ever get this done because I've managed to mess it up or whatever. So go to bit dot L y the power of priming. Remember that code to get that is free gift. Oh, one word, you should be able to remember that all one word free gift, you should be able to remember that. Sharon, thank you so much for spending a few minutes with us. I really appreciate this the time you spent on giving us these great insights into a topic. I do hope we get a lot of people coming along to see your course. And I think it's great. It's great that you've been able to spend some time with us. Thank you so much.

Sharon Grossman 15:30

Thanks, Stuart, so much for having me and good luck to everybody out there who's looking to really and wrap their minds. Absolutely right. Brilliant. Thank you so much. Bye bye


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It's Not Rocket Science!
It's Not Rocket Science! Five Questions Over Coffee
The mission of It's Not Rocket Science! is to bring a new idea for building business to growth-hungry business leaders and owners who want to do more with less time and so increase their business and influence. We deliver actionable ideas using our “five questions over coffee.”